About Cloud Sustainability Watch
About our team
The mission of Cloud Sustainability Watch™ is to reduce the environmental impact of cloud computing, GenAI, and data centers. Our goal is to enable IT decisions makers to make sustainability a priority equal to reliability and speed. We do it by assembling tools and information they can find easily. We also share our research about the problem and encourage anyone who works online to ask the IT department of their employers about the sustainability of applications and cloud usage. Please spread the word.
Speaking appearances
Susannah Hill is a thought leader in mitigating the environmental impact of cloud computing, GenAI, and data centers. She inspires audiences to take action. Recent appearances include a roundtable at VERGE24, a Climatebase webinar, and a discussion panel for the tech nonprofit The Users viewable on the Climate TBD podcast. Reach out to learn more by emailing her at susannah[at]cloud.sustainability.watch.
About our sustainability
The average web page emits 16.5 pounds of carbon from 1,000 hits — the same amount as burning 8 pounds of coal. But cloud.sustainability.watch runs on 100% solar power and a page hit on our site emits 82% less carbon.
We wish it were zero. But there are emissions from data networking to our users and from our users’ devices, and there is embodied carbon in all equipment.
Our low-impact hosting provider is Viridio, a B Corp public benefit corporation directly connected to solar power.

About our community
Cloud Sustainability Watch™ began as our project as Climatebase Fellows. Climatebase is a leading sustainability career accelerator and learning organization that is located in San Francisco.
Please join our LinkedIn group for the latest information and discussion.